Meet Stephen and Madelynn

Hello, thank you so much for reading our profile!

We are Madelynn & Stephen, and we live in Eagle River, Alaska. We are both lifelong Alaskans with no intention of leaving this beautiful state we call home. Stephen was born in Anchorage and Madelynn spent a majority of her childhood in Sitka, Alaska. We both love to travel around the state to new places and learn about the history of each place we visit. In the summers you can find us hiking grandma-friendly mountains and trails, road-tripping, walking to our favorite local coffee shops, and spending time with our families and close friends. In the winters we enjoy being at home together, leaning into rest, playing card games, reading, and making hearty meals together. Stephen works in product distribution and Madelynn is a wedding & elopement photographer, and we both love volunteering with our church. We enjoy the company of our 3 pets: Margot (dog), and Mia & Merlin (cats). 

We have been joyfully married since August 2019. In July 2020, we found out Stephen had cancer and began his treatment the day after our first wedding anniversary. After a year-long battle and seeking treatment out of state, Stephen went into remission in November 2021.  Cancer has taken a lot from us, but one thing it couldn’t take was our plan to adopt a child. From the time we started dating in 2017, we both knew adoption was something we felt called to do, even before fertility was a conversation in our parenting journey. We have a loving home, large support network, and families with big hearts to love all the children that come into our family. 

We each have a deep appreciation and love of music and the arts. We enjoy creativity, self-expression, and storytelling. We seek our inspiration from nature and in other people. Celebration, rejoicing, and laughter are all important aspects as to who we are. We believe that a good sense of humor is essential and that there’s nothing that a corny dad-joke can’t make a little better.

Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about our family. We are eager to get to know you and learn about you too!

More About Us

More About Us

Residence: Eagle River

Stephen's Occupation: Sales Manager

Madelynn’s Occupation: Photographer

Lifestyle: Intentional, seasonal living (active, spontaneous summers & slow, routined winters), family-focused, experience-driven, enjoys being in nature, volunteering

Religion: Christian & Spiritual

Children: 0

Values: Unconditional love, respect, compassion & empathy, generosity, authenticity

Pets: 1 dog, 2 cat

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