Meet Lindsay and Matt

We are Matt and Lindsay and we live in Wasilla, Alaska.  We have been married 19 years and have three daughters. We were so blessed to have adopted our two oldest daughters, Ryleigh and Finleigh.  Ryleigh is nine and is an amazing swimmer and loves to read almost anything.  Finleigh is six and will most likely be a lawyer or a vet when she grows up.  She's got the sass and confidence to be a lawyer but also loves every animal she sees, especially snakes.  We stay in touch with both birth families through photos, texts, emails, and visits.  Ainsleigh is four and is absolutely hilarious.  She loves to dance, sing, and try to name the song that is on the radio.  

Matt is a high school PE teacher and enjoys teaching his students the value of health, diet, and exercise.  He also has a background in business so will also offer students sound financial advice.  Lindsay happily taught elementary school for 19 years, but will now start her first year as an assistant principal.   

Being educators has the benefit of having weekends, holidays, and summers off together.  We use this time to go hiking, camping, traveling, and hanging out as a family.  We like to go to Hawaii or Mexico during the winter to get in a healthy dose of  Vitamin D.  The RV gets a lot of use in the summer for camping or taking longer road trips to the lower 48.  As a family, we love to be active.  Matt and Lindsay like to do CrossFit classes together almost every day of the week.  The girls will also do the kids' CrossFit classes when they are not busy with swim, dance, gymnastics, other extracurricular activities, or just being a kid.  We also like to be at home playing games and watching movies. 

We are excited to take this adoption journey again. 

More About Us

More About Us

Residence:  Wasilla, AK

Matt’s Occupation: High School PE Teacher

Lindsay’s Occupation: Elementary Assistant Principal

Religion: Catholic

Children: Ryleigh (9), Finleigh (6), & Ainsleigh (4)

Pets:  Koda - old lady Aussie/lab mix; Monty (Montana) -  Aussie Bernedoodle just over 1 year old

Lifestyle: Active, Family-oriented, church-going, traveling, meaningful and memorable experiences

Values:  Faith, Family, Strong Work Ethic, Responsibility, Kindness

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